This is what I pinned up and presented to Steve:

So, I revisited this and have developed a more uniform language, one I'm still working on but am substantially more happy with.. I have taken the vertical boarding and laid them in 250mm wide elements, the windows are now all the same height and the widths are all a multiple of 250mm (thanks for that idea Ed!); they have also been recessed 100m and give extended openings above and below. The roof has been made completely flat, with parapets and green roofs throughout. The colours have been toned down to become softer, pastel shades.
The two options below show one with vertical timber boards (top) and the other with the timber painted in 10 different colours (plus white) to create a pattern.

Personally, I find the elevation with the timber boards to be the more successful; the coloured boards seems disjointed and perhaps too overwhelming considering that this will face the school.
I'd be interested to hear what people have to say regarding these, any preference?
well done, i think the elevations are looking good, I agree that the coloured boards all over are abit over powering and the timber boards work better. Maybe you could use a mixture and just have a couple of coloured boards to break up the elevation?
I think that's a good idea Linzi and one I'll certainly be following up. Thanks.
option 1 - you have enough colour/contrast with the window boxes.
what software are you using for these elevations ? photoshop ?
Paul - correct; CAD drawings coloured in Photoshop.
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