I have spent a considerable amount of time developing the library/cafe building; this forms the main building of the proposal and is also where I will be focusing my technical aspects. Alongside developing the floor plans, elevations and sections (not yet to be shared!) I continue to work in models and sketches. The photos below show the latest model.

Along with the green roofs and timber elements, I feel like I'm developing an eco-De Stijl language! Not a bad thing in my view.
Along with the technology developments there are still design issues to tackle, following a discussion with Steve:
- Thresholds - reduce the extremity between outside and inside spaces, as Pattern Language number 166-Gallery Surround which was previously identified.
- Transition spaces, as mentioned above.
- A response to the identified axis on the site plan.
- Continue to develop the library spaces; make the study 'pods' more intimate; integrate shelving into the fabic of the building, design the children's section.
- Some precedents to examine are: the work of Hugo Haring, a house in Devon which uses rammed earth, developed with the LEDA; Le Corbusier's proposals for the use of rammed earth in several buildings; the work, particularly drawings, of Peter Salter. (Further posts to update on these)
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