As the above photo shows, it's currently a typically unpleasant 60's school building, enveloped by glass and blue concrete panels. From experience I know that classes on the South face (to the street and the new wall) are cold, due to the large expanses of glazing, and that the classrooms on the North side overheat drastically. The same treatment is used all the way around the building and I am planning to propose a solution to these problems. The way to do this is to propose alternative façade treatments for North and South facing elevations.
Looking for some options I found this school refurbishment in Schulzendorf:

Like a basket, the new façade is woven from willow reeds; this got me thinking. As part of my proposal I am removing two fairly large willow trees from the site, I could use these to create the new façade (or as much as it would cover, I guess around 50%). The South elevation could be very similar to the Schulzendorf school but with the inclusion of more colour, particularly where the re-furbished classrooms on the ground floor protrude. The South façade requires a little more thinking about, there needs to be solar shading incorporated. This could either be as canopies or woven (literally?!) into the cladding system. The diagrams below explore some of the options:
The North elevation facing Bricknell Avenue and the new wall:

Options for the South façade:

The image below shows an option using coloured panels rather than willow, which is an option for both elevations. The panels are curved in various forms to overhang the window openings to create the shading.

Considering the options, I think the willow panels may be the best option, for aesthetic and susainable reasons. I think the first skecth, showing a simple solution to the North elevation with a more playful element to the South elevation (with the curves to create shading) is the best way forward..
I've not been able to find much out about willow as a cladding material, so if anyone has any links or suggestions please let me know.
i like the idea of the willow only because it is site specific (two existing trees to be removed).
otherwise it seems a bit contrived.
i'm enjoying your project, karl !
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